How can I help?
Thank you for visiting The History of HIV! This contact form allows you to alert me to broken links or to ask for help in finding hard copies of things that may no longer be on the web. Please give me 3-5 working days to get back to you. This website is a labor of love—I have to do other work to pay the bills! 😉
NOTE: If you would like to suggest an item for inclusion, please do! I would very much like to add both relevant information (domestic and global) and photos to this site. Sadly, I do not have a budget for photos, but if you are willing to share, I will be happy to give you credit in a way that is acceptable to you.
In order to maintain the high standards of documentation I have set for this site, if you wish to submit an item for consideration, please be prepared to provide at least one source (more = better) to support your request. I will contact you directly for more information.
I will be the sole arbiter of whether an item is included. If you submit something and I include it, you will be given credit in the PDF version of the Timeline when I do the next update. Many thanks in advance!